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Malaysian Equity (Institutional Sales) 1993 - 2005, Public University Lecturer 2007 - Present

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Malaysian current minimum age for voting is 21. What's your view giving 21-year-olds the right to vote? Personally, I think at 21 years old, Malaysian youngsters aren't living their life yet, they're still preparing for it. None of them have any real-life experience to base any of their opinions on real politics. For many first time voters at 21, it is also the first time they have paid attention to politics.

I think Malaysian voting age should be raised to give our 21 year old a chance to figure out what is going on in the world around them and consider their opinions a little longer. Looking at our young street demonstrators and their demand for the abolishment of student aid loans (PTPTN), I am of the opinion that voting age should be at least 30 years of age, because with age, comes wisdom.

Malaysia is now undergoing some serious structural changes. With the economy in question, profound leadership is a necessity. Hopefully, only the politically matured voters go to the polls this year. I can only imagine how horrible it would be if we got stuck with a candidate that reflected the actual stupidity of our population...